
Make money India – US (Sylodium, Import and Export)

Nothing unite more to people than a common enemy: China? Join Sylodium Globalize your business. Interweave your business. Be our representative in India or part of USA Work with us.

1  USA, more than 10 key cities in the world, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, Boston….                          
2  SAARC, 7 countries, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. And relevant cities in the region as Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Karachi, Dhaka, Colombo, Sialkot….
3 Conclusion, USA – SAARC, involves more than 70 interesting bilateral trade relationships
New York – Mumbai, Karachi – Chicago, Los Angeles – Delhi….. 
All of them, the 70, in Sylodium
1  Join us and advertise for free your business to be seen,
Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.
2  if you'd want to reach new business realities join us as Premium user to take advantage of our global Barter (transactions), segmentation Banner, and our 2 business networkings. 
3 Make money representing your country  related with the rest of the world. 

 All countries, all cities.
Imagine you become our Sylodium’s representing in SRI LANKA, Searching in Sylodium potential businesses in SRI LANKA. For example.

AD example, Smoking craves resist.
Then, you can offer to this company the way to sell their products in SRI LANKA.
You can get much Money from your searching inside the Web, if you are looking for potential business matches for Premium Users and Free Users, finding out in Sylodium’s ads, referencing them in the Global Contest Forum, and contact them offering them intermediation via Sylodium.
The reasonable commission should be starting 2 % over the total amount.
From this percentage.
80% per you if you become administrator in SRI LANKA and 20 % for Sylodium.
We know that import export business, suppose some times big amounts of money.

India - USA, FACED
1 Trade dispute (in WTO) over access to the Indian market for agricultural imports
2 Climate change, India wants economic develpment, not reduction of carbón emissions.
3 Foreign policy, the crises in Libya and Syria the response to Iran’s nuclear program,
and the New Development Bank of BRICS against the World Bank and IMF.

India - USA, Together
1.       the rise of China, Indo-US strategic partnership
2.       the future of Afghanistan and international terrorism,
3.       Barack Obama, From hostility to honoured guest in less than a year at India’s Republic Day unthinkable just twelve months ago!!!
When Obama repeatedly appeared to be much more in favour with Pakistan or China.

Imagine all synergies could happen between the EuroCham, and Sylodium, if you provide trading with them or similar institutions, the rewards for all of us, and for you, will be very important.

US-India military relations
1.       maintaining security and stability
2.       defeating violent religious extremism and terrorism,
3.       preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction and associated materials
4.       protecting the free flow of commerce through the vital sea lanes of the Indian Ocean

India - USA; TRADE
The US is one of India's largest trading partners.
information technology services
gems and diamonds
iron and steel products
coffee, tea, and other edible food products.
computer hardware
scrap metal
medical equipment
The United States is India's largest investment partner, mainly in power generation, telecommunications, ports, roads, petroleum exploration and processing, and mining industries

we can say that we have bring the future of international trade to present in internet just representing the reality.
not only for our "connecting - countries/cities" system
but also for our next step
The connections must include also the actors
Each relationship of actors, will be a page for business,
we offer you 2 ways of working with us
First, representing SYlodium in your area
Second, managing one of these appendixes will be introduced
Sales on line
What is international trade focused to the future
Contact us, we will explain you about your work and tell us how do you see the future of one of these appendixes
Regarding companies,
In Sylodium,
You do not only have the opportunity with American - Indian business
You have Access to All countries and cities, related with all countries and cities,
Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet
if you'd want to reach new business realities join us as Premium user to take advantage of Barter (transactions), segmentation Banner, and our 2 business networkings.
Do you really have read?
If you have read it, you can win money with us.


中国成全球公敌?或许没有这么严重。加入我们的http://www.sylodium.com 平台,您可以在全球范围内拓展业务,使业务不断增长叠加。您也可以作为我们在印度或德国的代理,加入我们的工作团队。

1.        全球10多座具有世界影响力的城市均位于美国,包括纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶、华盛顿、休斯顿、费城、菲尼克斯、达拉斯、亚特兰大、波士顿等;
2.       “南盟”则包括7个国家,有孟加拉国、不丹、印度、马尔代夫、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡,其中比较著名的城市包括加尔各答、新德里、孟买、班加罗尔、钦奈、卡拉奇、达卡、科伦坡、锡亚尔科特等;
3.       因此,美国与南盟国家甚至可以组成70多对双边贸易关系。

像纽约 - 孟买,卡拉奇 - 芝加哥,洛杉矶 - 德里等这些国家链接中,所有这些70组贸易合作伙伴在Sylodium平台上都可以有3项选择。

1.       注册免费会员,免费发布信息广告,选择目标市场,充分利用互联网为贸易带来的便利之处,从而发现新的商机。
2.       如果您希望获得更加真实的商业信息,您可以成为我们的高级用户,利用我们的去全球易货贸易服务、市场划分服务和双网营销服务。
3.       任选一人成为您在其中一国的代理人,赚取利润的同时可以保持与全球其他市场的紧密联系。


1.       首先表现在贸易纠纷(世界贸易组织)上面,主要焦点在印度市场对农产品进口准入;
2.       气候变化问题,由于印度希望得到经济上的发展,并不情愿削减碳排放;
3.       外交策略,利比亚危机、叙利亚危机或者对于伊朗核问题的反应,以及建立金砖国家发展银行来对抗世界银行和世界货币基金组织。


1.       中国崛起,印度与美国不得不建立战略合作伙伴关系;
2.       为了应对阿富汗以及国际恐怖主义;
3.       在不到一年的时间内,在印度共和日之时,印度人们从对奥巴马充满敌意到尊其为贵宾。让人不可思议的是,这竟然就发生在两个月以前!!!


其中包括印度 - 美国商会,美国印度商会等。
想象一下,通过欧洲商会和Sylodium平台,将会有多少衍生的贸易机会,如果您能同伊比利亚 - 俄罗斯商会或者其他相似的机构进行贸易往来,那么您将得到丰厚的回报,这对于我们来说也是十分重要的。

1.       维持安全与稳定
2.       抵抗暴力宗教冲突和恐怖主义
3.       防止大规模杀伤和相关材料性武器扩散
4.       通过印度洋的重要海上通道保护贸易的自由流通


l  信息技术服务
l  纺织品
l  机械
l  宝石和钻石
l  化学制品
l  钢铁制品
l  咖啡,茶,和其它食品
l  飞机
l  肥料
l  电脑硬件
l  废金属
l  医用器材


第一,   在您所在的区域作为我们Sylodium的业务代表;
第二,   你可以在我们网站上寻找以下类型工作:
a)         旅游;
b)        在线销售;
c)         游戏论坛;
d)        博彩业;
e)         国际贸易前景预测等


在我们的Sylodium.com平台上,您不仅仅可以在美国与印度国家之间进行双边贸易,也可以全球任意国家或城市如纽约 - 孟买等相关链接上面发布产品信息寻求业务合作机会。


Sylodium平台上,您可以在纽约 - 孟买发布产品广告。您可以最大程度地享受互联网带来的便利之处。



