
USA – Middle East business (Sylodium, the global platform)

Do you want to be in USA – Middle East business? Join Sylodium, You’ll take a great advantage in Internet.

1.- USA, more than 10 key cities in the world, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, Boston…..
2.- Middle East, 21 countries, Greater Arab Free Trade Area: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Arab Maghreb Union (5 countries) plus Cyprus, Iran, Israel,
3.- Conclusion, USA – Middle East involves much more than 210 (10 x 21) bilateral trade relationships, some of them very relevant in global trade
New York – Dubai, Chicago – Saudi Arabia, Los Angeles - Kuwait etc
All of them, the 210, in Sylodium

1  Join us and advertise for free your business to be seen, Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.
2  if you'd want to reach new business realities join us as Premium user to take advantage of our global Barter (transactions), segmentation Banner, and our 2 business networkings. 
3 Choose somebody to Make money representing your country  related with the rest of the world. 

USA in Middle East against ISIS
If you're a pro-Iran Shiite militia in Iraq, you get US air cover.
If you're a pro-Iran Shiite militia in Yemen, US helps bomb you
The US officially says that it is backing most Sunni rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad in Syria, but White House policy seems actually to be aligned with the Iran-backed regime as both consider ISIS the largest threat (in different measure).

The U.S. MEFTA initiative started in 2003 with the purpose of creating a U.S. Middle East Free Trade Area by 2013, but both sides are still waiting as isn’t easy now the agreement with Iran, and Syria, neither about including Israel.
But like the majority of Arab states' economies are dependent on oil production there is little need for protective tariffs to prevent cheaper foreign against local Companies except in food Industry. 
The U.S. objective with this initiative has been to gradually increase trade and investment in the Middle East, and to assist the Middle East countries in implementing domestic reforms, instituting the rule of law, protecting private property rights (including intellectual property), and creating a foundation for openness, economic growth, and prosperity.

USA’s bilateral FTAs in Middle East
Bahrain - USA FTA
USA - Morocco FTA
Arab states are dependent on foreign goods for everything from Cars to household products.
Governments therefore have a strong interest in eliminating tariffs to reduce prices.

A bit of History,
After World War II, American policy during the Cold War tried to prevent Soviet Union influence by supporting anti-communist regimes and backing Israel against Soviet-sponsored Arab countries.
The U.S. replaced the United Kingdom as the main security patron of the Persian Gulf states in the 1960s and 1970s, working to ensure Western access to Gulf oil.
Since the 9/11 attacks of 2001, U.S. policy has included an emphasis on counter-terrorism.
USA’s priority include resolving the Arab–Israeli conflict

we can say that we have bring the future of international trade to present in internet just representing the reality.
not only for our "connecting - countries/cities" system
but also for our next step
The connections must include also the actors
Each relationship of actors, will be a page for business,
we offer you 2 ways of working with us
First, representing SYlodium in your area
Second, managing one of these appendixes will be introduced
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What is international trade focused to the future
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Regarding companies,
In Sylodium,
You do not only have the opportunity with American - Arab business
You have Access to All countries and cities, related with all countries and cities,
Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet
if you'd want to reach new business realities join us as Premium user to take advantage of Barter (transactions), segmentation Banner, and our 2 business networkings.



1.       全球10多座具有世界影响力的城市均位于美国,包括纽约、芝加哥、洛杉矶、华盛顿、休斯顿、费城、菲尼克斯、达拉斯、亚特兰大、波士顿等;
2.       中东则包含了21个国家,大阿拉伯自由贸易区:巴林、埃及、伊拉克、约旦、科威特、黎巴嫩、阿曼、巴勒斯坦、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚、阿拉伯联合酋长国、也门、阿拉伯马格里布联盟(5国)以及塞浦路斯、伊朗、以色列。
3.       因此,美国与中东之间会产生超过21010 x 21)组双边贸易关系,其中一些甚至与全球贸易联系相当紧密。

例如,纽约 - 迪拜、芝加哥 - 沙特阿拉伯、洛杉矶 - 科威特等,所有这些210组贸易合作伙伴在Sylodium平台上都可以有3项选择。

1.       注册免费会员,免费发布信息广告,选择目标市场,充分利用互联网为贸易带来的便利之处,从而发现新的商机。
2.       如果您希望获得更加真实的商业信息,您可以成为我们的高级用户,利用我们的去全球易货贸易服务、市场划分服务和双网营销服务。
3.       任选一人成为您在一国的代理人,赚取利润的同时可以保持与全球其他市场的紧密联系。



巴林 - 美国自由贸易协定
美国 - 以色列自由贸易协定
美国 - 约旦自由贸易协定
美国 - 摩洛哥自由贸易协定
美国 - 阿曼自由贸易协定



美国的首要任务包括解决阿拉伯 - 以色列冲突。



第一,   在您所在的区域作为我们Sylodium的业务代表;
第二,   你可以在我们网站上寻找以下类型工作:
a)         旅游;
b)        在线销售;
c)         游戏论坛;
d)        博彩业;
e)         国际贸易前景预测等






