In Sylodium, you can manage your business in any world area you want… it is a New Directory of import and export. It is free.
Advertise in city crossings, from your city to any other target city in which you want to sell your goods or offer your services. Every country, with good and appropriate advertising, demands different ads.
The idea is new on the Internet. It is simple, but new and very useful.
Sylodium allows presenting this offer, project and diffusion plan in a different manner, for every one of the cities you choose.
It is a new system, a new world map where the knots are the crossings amongst cities, the routes, not the cities themselves.
We can say that Sylodium represents the reality of International Trade in Internet.
So far Sylodium includes companies related to clothing, food, electricity, seeds, paper products...
We should take a look at the competition and see what crossings are chosen, which products are offered and how they are offered ( soon users will be able to design their own statistics ) and then advertise them , according to the strategy of each, in the most common and/ or little demanded niche sites.
In Sylodium, at any time, inside the advertisement with your product already published, you can change crossings, add or remove target countries, change your text, pictures, etc. You are recommended to edit your ads with a lot of flexibility to adapt your strategy to the others ‘movements depending on their strategy.